Here is the one on one interview with Dr. Robert T. Bakker, curator of the Houston Museum of Natural Science.

Q1.What high school/college classes will be good to take for Paleontology?

A. Art, Latin, Public speaking, drama, and history


Q2. If someone wrote a biography about you what would it be called?

A. “The Unknown Bob”


Q3. Did you have a mentor? What was the most significant thing he/she taught you?

A. No- Its good to listen to different people


Q4. What was your most exciting discovery?

A. The next one


Q5. If you were a prehistoric animal what would you be?

A. A Jurassic salamander- The blind olm


Q6. What is your favorite breakfast food?

A. Home old fashioned oatmeal cranberries & bananas and breakfast burritos stuffed with leftover vegetables from the New Maverick



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